Space optimization in existing buildings
The decision to populate an office space more densely usually raises acoustic concerns. Planners and customers are well advised to take these concerns seriously and carefully adapt the room acoustics to the new situation. Simply “packing” employees closer together would certainly result in a significant loss of performance. Effective use of space is not simply characterized by a low “m² ratio” per employee. Anyone who does not differentiate here risks the economic gain from the space saved and, beyond that, the much greater loss from the collapse in employee performance.
Bringing compression and acoustics into harmony
Office spaces must be acoustically structured. Simply optimizing the reverberation time, typically via the acoustic ceiling, is not enough. The spoken word carries too far. The direct propagation of sound must be restricted. This particularly applies to ad hoc meetings. These must be acoustically isolated. Employees must have suitable retreat areas. Think tanks offer flexible and self-sufficient solutions here. Above all, different teams should be acoustically separated. Glass acoustic systems (quiet modules) have the charm of maintaining the desired direct visual relationships and yet they structure the area in an acoustically sustainable manner. Last but not least, senior employees can find closed, soundproof but transparent individual offices.