In the office:
Room-in-room systems are now an integral part of office planning. Open office spaces, direct lines of sight and short distances are a prerequisite for agile and hybrid working. It should be noted that these spaces need retreat areas. These temporary rooms are the backbone of an open space office. Room-in-room systems do not need to be connected to the building's infrastructure and can therefore be located anywhere. The interior design of existing buildings can be completely reinterpreted.
The vetroCUBE room-in-room system offers banks advantages. Additional consulting rooms can be installed quickly and parallel to ongoing operations, even in cashier halls. The bank can advise customers personally and discreetly. Complex issues are much easier to clarify than at the service counter.
Store floor management strives for permanent improvements and optimization of processes directly at the point of action, "on the shop floor", in the factory building. In order to achieve these goals, it is essential to communicate regularly and on site with the players involved. In the noisy environment of a production facility, this requires acoustically calm and free-standing retreat rooms. vetroCUBE provides good acoustic insulation of 37 dB or alternatively 40 dB for retreat rooms in the production facility.